Monday, April 30, 2012

Hans Deli

My apologies, I know it has been over a week since I posted last but we all know how time gets away from us when we are busy. Today's blog is about Hans Deli in New City on Jihaeng Ro. By train, get off at Jihaeng station and go out Exit 1,cross the street to where Dunkin Donuts is on the corner and walk down the street until you see the big green Hans Deli Sign, you have to look up but you can't miss it. It is almost all the way to the end of the block. Driving is pretty much the same since we always park at the train station and walk anyway.

Just before you see the deli you will see this entrance into the building, head on down the hallway to the elevators and take it to the 2nd floor.

Some advertising in the elevator, we were kind of surprised at what they were advertising since we were expecting a "Deli"
 The hall is kind of H shaped, from the elevator walk out and to the right straight ahead, again you can't miss the big green sign! Totally off the subject of food, but right next to the restaurant is a really nice hair salon!

Another advertising banner outside the restaurant. Looks good, but still not what we were expecting for a deli.

 From the entrance the place looks pretty spacious, I thought it looked similar to a subway.
Wall with a built in bench for those of us that have large groups! Perfect for us!
 Tables overlooking the street
It is more of a self serve style, with the soda fountain as well as the sides like pickled radish as well as utensils and napkins, which are hidden there behind the tree. Also you place your order at the counter and pay for it and they bring it out to you rather than having someone come to your table to take your order.
I think they need to make a trip stateside and go to a real delicatessen LOL!

 The menu consists of mostly the same thing all other restaurants here in Korea have, Cutlets, Steaks, Rice and Pasta dishes. Kind of a disappointment when you are expecting American Deli style foods. The food is good and reasonably priced so it wasn't a total let down. My youngest daughter had one of the pork cutlets. My friend tried the Fish Cutlet and her son tried the Teriyaki Chicken Steak on the bottom half of the page.
 They did have a nice selection of different dishes, and with everyone we had with us we all tried something different from the menu.
 Special's insert in the menu. I had the "Crazy Enchiladas" on the top right corner of the page there.
 The rice and sizzler fried rice dishes looked pretty good, I had a hard time picking between one of these and the crazy enchiladas I ordered.
 My older daughter ordered the Corn Cheese Bacon Dorin, it was like a creamy risotto style dish. We also ordered 1 of each of the chicken baskets for the kids.
 My son had to have one of these juices so we tried the mango sjora.

They have a pretty full menu, so it will probably be hard for you to make a decision.

 The mango juice, it was pretty tasty until you get to the bottom of the glass it was pretty watered down from all the ice.
Their pickled radish had more of a salty flavor than a sweet like I was used to, it was good but wasn't expecting the saltiness.
 The Fish Cutlet came with two fairly large pieces of fish, they were very crispy and delicious. For sure something I would order again.
The Teriyaki Chicken Steak, I didn't get a taste of it but he said it was good. Looks good.
 This is what is on the menu as Meat Chicken Balls, they were like popcorn chicken and very tasty.
 This is the Chicken Tender basket that I got for my son, they were a little on the spicy side. Not really spicy but they had some kick to them. he ended up eating more of the fries and Chicken Balls than the tenders.
 Pork Cutlet for my daughter, it was pretty huge and crispy and delicious.
The Crazy Enchiladas that I ordered, I have to say I was kind of disappointed. I was expecting a Mexican flavor with the name of the dish and the looks of it.  It was actually meatballs in a spaghetti sauce topped with cheese and tortilla strips. It was good, but not what I expected for the name of the dish.
The Corn Cheese Bacon Dorin was very creamy and delicious. It reminded me of more of a risotto dish than a rice dish. It is something I would order again.

 My total with the pork cutlet, corn cheese bacon dish, crazy enchiladas, chicken balls, chicken tenders, mango juice and 3 sodas was 27,100krw (about $24) That fed 5 of us.
My friend paid for the fish cutlet, teriyaki chicken, crazy enchilada and 3 sodas, her total was 17,700krw (about $13.) She fed 3 people.

It wasn't what we were expecting for a deli, but the food was very delicious. The staff was very nice and spoke enough english to know what we were wanting or needing. As we were leaving a gentleman that worked there followed us out and was talking to us while we were waiting for the elevator. He was telling us that it was under new management and that he was the new manager. He had seen me taking pictures and asked about it pointing to my camera. We explained to him it was for a blog, he knew exactly what we were talking about and laughed. He told us "Next time you come, I take care of you good" It is nice to feel welcome in places here in Korea. I still have yet to run into a rude Korean.
If you are looking for someplace with a quiet atmosphere to just have lunch with a friend it is perfect. It is family and kid friendly as well. Definitely someplace to check out before you leave Korea.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Little Prince Kids Cafe & Restaurant

Since one of the motley crew was sick this week, we decided to go someplace we could kick back and relax and let the kids run. No better place for that than Little Prince. It is in New City (Jihaeng station) on the same side of the street as Rice Story. Walk down the street and when you see the Daiso store, the hallway just before it is where you want to go.

Head down the hallway to the elevators and up to the 5th floor.

This is where the elevators take you, they have lockers on the right and left wall for shoes and jackets etc. They also have slippers if you would rather not walk around in your socks or bare feet.

The area out the elevators to the left is the dining area and party room. The little arches on the right of this picture are private dining rooms.

This is one of the little private rooms, the others were being used so I couldn't get a picture of them on this trip. 
This is the party area, they have sliding glass doors to shut it off from the rest of the restaurant.
Some of the tables are glass topped and have these cute Lego train scenes glued into them.
 This is a "toddler" area of sorts, they have a lot of the little jumper things and bouncy things for the smaller babies. The Carousel is 100krw if the kids want to ride. My son has to ride it multiple times while we are there.
 A little wooden playhouse the kids can climb up into or play in. They have a couple little tykes type kitchens for the kids to play with.
They even have a breastfeeding room for all the moms that bring little ones. I love the little mini sink for the kids to wash their hands!

The area to the right of the elevators is the huge play place style play area.
Zipline for the kiddos, my sons favorite thing to do when we go.
 Behind the huge beehive is a two level play area. The bottom level is a mini train the kids can ride on for free. It runs about every 30 minutes. The top level is a huge play area, the only way to get to it is through the beehive maze.
 The dress up area, they have stuff for girls and boys. My son was spiderman for most of the time we were there!
Another toddler area with Cozy Coupe cars, motorcycles and a soccer field.
Now that I have covered the play area, lets move on to the menu and food choices. Here is some helpful information that you need to know before you go. It is 6000krw per child for 2 hours of play time and if you don't order a meal they will charge you 4000krw for "sitting"

There are a lot of "typos" on the menu that we giggle at, such as the "Crap cream pasta" that is supposed to be "Crab". It is one of the things we ordered this trip.

The thin pizza, is actually made on tortillas and baked and it is very yummy. They used to have a potato pizza on the menu but it looks like it is gone. We had it on our first trip and it was really good. 

The Kids Sampler is pictured in the bottom picture, it is potatoes cooked about 6 different ways, plus chips and a salad. 

The Frappe's are well worth the 6000krw! 

Together we ordered the "Crap" cream pasta, 2 Kids Samplers, a pepperoni thin pizza and a hawaiian thin pizza and two frappe's.
The little swirly looking things are mashed potatoes that they squeeze into that shape and then bake, I think they are my favorite potato on the plate. The salad has the creamy dressing like most places and since the kids don't eat it the adults fight over it!
 Pepperoni Pizza-LOTS of cheese and little sauce, just the way I like it.
Hawaiian Pizza-You can't really tell but there are pineapple chunks on it. Equally as tasty as the pepperoni pizza.

This is our "Crap" cream pasta, we were expecting the pasta to have chunks of crab in it. What we didn't expect were the chunks of crab to still be in the shell. If you look closely there are small crab claws in the bowl. There was also shrimp that had the tail on them still. The crab claws were way too small to even mess with trying to get the meat out of so they just got put on a plate and left, along side the caviar that is on the top. Once we picked those out, the dish was actually really good, the cream sauce had a great flavor and the broccoli was tender and juicy and very delicious.

The Frappe's were amazing. the one on the left is the Cookies and Cream and the one on the right is the Caramel jaba chip. Did I mention they are well worth the 6000krw you pay for them ?!

For my portion of the food and playing fee, which included everything but the Hawaiian pizza, 1 kids Sampler and 1 frappe, I paid 40,000krw. A little pricey, but worth it to have some place indoors the kids can play when it is cold or wet out. Also the reason it isn't a weekly thing, more of a monthly thing in my opinion. The people who work here genuinely love kids and help keep an eye on them and play with them while you sit and relax. They have a monitor on the wall in the party room so you can watch your kids and not have to worry. This is a good place to take your kids if you want them to think you are cool or if you just want to get them out of the house.